Friday, October 14, 2011

Something Borrowed (2011)

Something Borrowed -

Watched 'Something Borrowed' last night. Hmmm...what will we choose, friendship or love? Is there a wrong and right answer to that? ANYWAY, make up our mind and decide! When we hesitate, we will get nothing. Do not cheat or having an affair or go behind our friend's back because it will turn out ugly in the end. Better to come might hurt but at least we are being honest. Once we hurt someone, it will leave mark -a hole, scar, whatever we name it- and the question is will it go back to normal? Especially trust, what will happen when we lost someone's trust? Do we dare to hope that we will get it back?

Everyone do have a choice (or wants)...the rest is up to us whether we are brave enough to ask for it, go for it, and fight for it; at least, do something about it! And when we have the chance or moment, do not ever let it go! Do not let it passes us! Because once it passes us, we might never get it back. Put our pride aside and listen to our heart.

And in here's case...LOVE. When we have found someone we love, do not ignore the feeling. Trust our heart and express it. But, do not over do it. There's a part in this movie and I quote 'My love's not really the overwhelming kind'. And also I want to add from another movie I saw (All About Steve - 2009), I quote (again :D) 'If you love someone, set him free. If you have to stalk him, he probably wasn't yours in the first place'. Do it with our sincerity and I believe it will get to him/her.

Well, at least we tried, right?!!


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