Saturday, October 22, 2011

Akeelah and the Bee (2006)

Akeelah and the Bee -

It's been a long time since I watched 'Akeelah and the Bee'. Five years have passed and I did not know what got into me, I just felt in the mood for that movie. Well, it was pretty cool though. From nobody turns into somebody. Hmmm, I believe everybody is 'somebody' to somebody else. Like many people say 'everyone is unique in their own way'. We just need to know what we are good at and be excel at that. Learn hard, practice hard, and not easily give up; but also remember to have fun along the way. It all be good I hope :)

Just remember, when we are at the 'top', do not lose our ground. Remember where we come from and people around us who have helped us get here today. It's about the process, right?

I think, what is cooler was when the young boy did not win the contest...not because he lost but the way he handled it. How he turned it into a winning attitude and style :D Look at the positive side and be supportive still.


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