Sunday, October 9, 2011

Green Lantern (2011)

Green Lantern -
Went to Blitzmegaplex at MOI (Mall of Indonesia) with dad, sister, brother, and cousin (Benny) to watch Green Lantern last night. The movie was okay though, too bad there's not much of action there. LOL. Anyway, the movie...what it could teach us, well at least for me :)

Hmmm, first, the beauty on the outside is not as important as the beauty on the inside. We may not realize it yet, but someone else might. Then second, don't miss out every great opportunity because it may not come twice. Grab it, do it, and have faith :) And last, everyone have their own fear, I know I do; but don't let it stop or scare you from doing something great. Fight it and learn how to outcome the fear and when you've already had the courage, just go with it and have faith! Stuck to it for a while then improvise here and there to make the courage grows stronger and bigger :D

Say the oath...
In brightest day, in blackest night; no evil shall escape my sight; let those who worship evil's might; beware my power: Green Lantern's light! 


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