Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

The Devil Wears Prada - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458352/

Just finished watching 'The Devil Wears Prada' tonight. Took me five years to finally watch this. LOL. Anyway, the movie was okay though. Despite the fashion industry things, it shows us that glamorous and power might change someone. Just to be accepted by our surrounding, sometimes we might change the way we dress or even our behavior. But, do we happy with the changes? Is that who we really are? Don't pretend to be somebody that we are not!

In the movie there's a saying (I am not sure the exact sentence) but the point is when we became good at work, it might interfere or effect our personal life. Is that true? Should we sacrifice our personal life over work? Well, I'd like to believe that there are always ways to balance both. We just have to find our own way to balance it and make the best out of it. Do not let work interferes with our own personal life -friendship, relationship with our love one, and family- but also try to do the best at work. I think if we can balance them then we are absolutely will be happy. 

And yes, everyone do have a choice. There is possible that we do not know what we truly want at first but do not let that stop us or make us down...let it be our learning experience; take a step back and think, we will see things clearer and better. Hopefully we would know what we want and would be able to make a better choice. 

Pride is not everything...our heart is more important.


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