Sunday, October 2, 2011

Macaron - Manon

Busy Sunday...but thanks to sister who bought us Macaroons from Manon Chocolatier & Patissier. She bought some flavors with their own different colors, there is Tiramisu, Pistachio, Key Lime Cheese, Royal Cream Cheese, Strawberry, and Rose. Well, not only Macaroons though, she also bought cake -Green Tea Tiramisu Cake- and cookies -Vanilla Choco Chips Cookies and Almond Cookies- for us. Time for something sweet, yeah! :D The taste was pretty good.

Macaroon: Tiramisu, Pistachio, Key Lime Cheese, Royal Cream Cheese, Strawberry, and Rose

Almond Cookies and Vanilla Choco Chips Cookies

Green Tea Tiramisu Cake


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