Friday, September 2, 2011

Between Bali - Lombok

Still in the holiday spirit, I want to talk about my holiday with family in Bali and Lombok. We went there from August 25 until September 1, 2011. There were dad, mom, sister, brother, a friend, and me; six of us. 

Went to the Soekarno-Hatta (Soetta) International Airport and with Air Asia flight (we got promo price :) ) then...after 1 hour 40 minutes flight, arrived in Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. Fiuuhhh... :D We stayed at Amaris Hotel Legian in Legian, Bali the first night; not too bad but not too good either - so-so - the hotel I mean; but the receptionists were pretty good. Simple and clean I think will pretty much describe this hotel. Walked around Kuta area then had lunch (or I would say late lunch), ha ha ha, then walked to Discovery Shopping Mall after that walked back to the hotel and had dinner on the way back. There's a lot of changes and developments around Kuta in two years since the last time I went here (will write about that later). 

Brother, Father, Sister, and Mother on the back of Discovery Shopping Mall in Kuta

The next day, went to airport again to fly to Lombok, Mataram. This time, we used Lion Air flight. 30 minutes flight then arrived safely :) in Selaparang International Airport, Mataram. Okay, this is the first time all of us went there, looked for a rental car then moved to the hotel. We stayed for two nights at The Santosa Villas & Resort, in Senggigi, Lombok, Mataram. It was a beautiful place to stay. The receptionists were very friendly and the room was pretty good. It was a fun place to stay and we could walk around the hotel or on the Senggigi Beach because it is located right in front of the ocean. The first day, we went around Lombok and sightseeing. 

The Santosa Villas & Resort, Senggigi Beach, Lombok - the Lobby

Went to Sukarara Village (Desa Sukarara) where the villagers' daily work is from woven fabric. It's a home industry product. Pretty cool and the villagers were really nice and friendly. They even offered and taught my sister how to weave. The place is not in the main road so we needed to go through a small alley first to get there. Anyway, moved to the next place...we went to Sade Village (Desa Sade), a traditional Sasak village. Went around the village and it was quite cool.

Walking around Sukarara Village
Sista got teach how to weave at Sukarara Village
Clockwise: Father, Vina, and Sister with Sasak House; Welcome sign in Sade Village; Entering the Sade Village

After all the traditional life at the villages, we moved and went to Kuta Beach (Pantai Kuta). Well, this one is not in Bali, but this one is in Lombok. Same name but the beach and the sand is different, of course! It was still less people or tourists and the sand was much better than Kuta Beach in Bali (sorry to say that). The view was cool and the water was still very clear and clean (hmmm, not sure the words were correct or not, LOL). Too bad it's pretty far from Senggigi. Well, the sun started to go down so we head back to the hotel. 

Kuta Beach in Lombok
Above: Six of us on a cliff facing the Kuta Beach. Bottom: 2vs2 on Kuta Beach

The next day (day 3). We passed through the Malimbu Hill (Bukit Malimbu) - where we could see three Gilis (Gili Air, Gili Trawangan, and Gili Meno) - to go to the place where we would rent a boat - glass bottom boat - to go across to Gili Trawangan (one of so many Gili Islands in Lombok). In less than an hour, we had arrived there. It was a beautiful place, white sand, and the view was wonderful. There were so many tourists at this island. We went around the island with cidomo - a traditional transportation, a small carriage which is drawn by a horse - in less than an hour. Okay, snorkeling time! Only my father, sister, and me went to snorkel. Yup, the water still clean and clear plus the underwater life was pretty cool to see. After that, walked a little then went back to Lombok.

At Malimbu Hill
Sista at Gili Trawangan Beach
Sis & Bro on cidomo circling Gili Trawangan

Arrived back in Lombok, we went to Pusuk Forest (Hutan Pusuk) to see monkeys. There were already a lot of monkeys on the sidewalks near Pusuk Forest. Pretty friendly but when it came to food, be careful, they would become a little wild. Well, time to go back to the hotel. Then we walked around Senggigi Beach and saw a sunset. And sorry to say this (again), the Kuta Beach's sand (in Lombok I mean) were better; but the sand in Gili Trawangan even much better than Kuta Beach's sand in Lombok :) Anyway, our last night in Lombok...

Sista and brothe' is feeding the monkey at Pusuk Forest
Baby monkey with her mother at Pusuk Forest

In the morning, we went to the airport to fly back to Bali. From Ngurah Rai Airport, we stopped at a vegetarian restaurant first for a lunch before we went to the hotel. First vegetarian resto we found since we arrived in Bali. De Ra Sa Vegetarian; on By Pass Ngurah Rai Road, Bali. The taste was pretty good and the price pretty reasonable too; also the service was good, very friendly (will write more about this restaurant later).

After fulfill for appetite, we went to hotel in Ubud area. We stayed at Payogan Villa Resort & Spa for two nights. Honestly, we did not really expect that it would be pretty far (kind of remote) from Ubud Center. Anyway, the resort was okay actually; but the receptionist was not that good. Very quite because it's not in the main road. We stayed at a cottage with a private pool in thought we could hang out and play in private.

The Payogan Villa Resort & Spa, Ubud, Bali. Above: The Lobby. Bottom: The entrance to our cottage

After placed our luggage, we started the tour around Ubud area. We went to Sacred Monkey Forest Ubud Santuary where is located in Ubud Center. Pretty cool place wish so many monkeys (of course, ha ha ha). After that, we went to Goa Gajah. At here, we needed to wear sarung before we went in. We had to go down the stairs to go there. It was not too crowded with tourists that time so kind of peaceful to spend time there. After that, we went to see a waterfall (too bad, I was forget what's the name). Then, we went to a restaurant (forgot the name also) with the view of paddy field. Then, went back to the resort.

Bro & Sis at Monkey Forest, Ubud with Mom on behind
At Sacred Monkey Forest Ubud Sanctuary. Clockwise: The monkey drinks a bottle water; Monkey's family; Holy Water
At Goa Gajah. Above: In front of the Goa (Cave). Bottom: Goa Gajah from above

To our surprise, we found our pool's lamps were not lit at night. We asked about it but he (the receptionist) acted like he did not really care about it. After a few calls, he told us it would be fixed tomorrow. We said okay. Anyway, we still went in the pool and played for a while despite the lack of the light in the pool. I remembered I was floating and facing the sky; it was beautiful, a night sky full with stars; hard to see it in Jakarta nowadays. Sleep time...

Day 5. Had breakfast then we went out for our sightseeing again. Today, we went to Pura Goa Lawah where is located in East Bali, kind of far from Ubud. One of the big Pura in Bali and at here, there is a cave where lives hundred (or thousand) of bats; pretty cool. Anyway, turned out last night most of the Balinese was having Ngaben ceremony. So, today, almost all the big Pura will be crowded with Balinese who will pray there. 

Ceremony at Goa Lawah

The next destination was Pura Besakih (The Mother Temple of Besakih); the biggest Pura in Bali. On the way there, we passed through Jambul Hill (Bukit Jambul) where we could see paddy fields and part of Bali from up hill. Quite beautiful. Arrived in Pura Besakih, we went around the Pura (there are a lot of Puras in here) and it almost took us an hour. On the main entrance of the Pura, we could see Mount Agung (Gunung Agung) on the back. Very beautiful. At the top of our journey here, the guide ask and invite us to pray there. It was a solemn moment. Very cool.

View from Jambul Hill
At Pura Besakih. Clockwise: Six of us with Pura Besakih and Mount Agung on behind; Facing down from above; In front of one of the Pura; After praying at one of the Pura

After that, we had lunch and went to Kintamani to see Batur Lake (Danau Batur) and Mount Batur (Gunung Batur). It was a beautiful view and the sky was clear (thank goodness) so we could see Mount Batur. Enjoying the view, the air; took some pictures; then moved to Pura Tirtha Empul (Tirtha Empul Temple), Tampak Siring. It is famous with the Holy water. All of us also went to the purifying pool and use the Holy water for purification. Then, we back to the resort. It's not dark yet, but we called the receptionist to make sure about the pool's lamp. He said he needed to check with the engineer first then would contact us. No respond and it's almost dark outside. Turned out, the pool's lamps still not working. It was very disappointing. We had lost our mood about that so we hung out in the living room instead of playing in the pool. 

View of Mount Batur and Batur Lake from Kintamani
Family at Pura Tirtha Empul, Tampak Siring

Another exploring day had arrived. Today we checked out from the resort and went to southern Bali. First, we went to Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua and rent a boat - glass bottom boat - to visit Turtle Island (Pulau Penyu). Took some pictures there and went across back to Tanjung Benoa. Then, we went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). I thought there would be a lot of progress since I last came here, turned out almost no progress at all. Anyway, went around and took some pictures. It was a very very hot day. 

At Turtle Island. Clockwise: Sista with a snake; Mom & Dad with a sea turtle; Bro with an eagle; Vina & Sista in front bats' cage acting
Six of us in an amphi theater at Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Me, Bro, Sis, & Vina at GWK
Sista 'jumping' off the cliff
Bro 'climbing' on the cliff

Okay, time to moved to Dreamland. The beach was beautiful actually but too crowded with so many tourists, not to mention it was extremely hot that time. So, we did not spend too much time there. Just felt the sand - white sand - with a beautiful view of the ocean and took some pictures. 

Dreamland Beach

Then, we went to Padang Padang Beach which become more famous since one of scene of Eat, Pray, Love movie was played here. Anyway, the beach was very beautiful. White sand, beautiful ocean view, and not too hot because there was a high cliff on one side. Enough playing and taking pictures, we moved to Uluwatu. We visited Pura Luhur Uluwatu or Pura Uluwatu. There were monkeys here but the amount had decreased but be careful with your glasses or hat because they might snatch it from you. Anyway, this Pura is located in a cliff facing Indian Ocean (Samudra Hindia) and the view is wonderful.

At Padang Padang Beach. Clockwise: Sista, Vina, and Brother on the stairs down to the beach; Vina, Sis, & Bro at the beach; Rocks on the beach; View of the Padang Padang Beach
At Pura Luhur Uluwatu. Above & Bottom: The view from Pura Uluwatu. Middle: Six of us at Pura Uluwatu
Monkeys at Pura Uluwatu
Okay, time to go check in to the hotel. This time, we stayed at Alam KulKul Boutique Resort Bali where is located in Kuta Beach, Legian, Bali. We stayed for two nights in a family room until our last day here in Bali. It was a great place to stay with many trees. The receptionists were very friendly and pretty quiet place. Hidden getaway from the dynamic rhythm of Kuta Center; I would say. It's been a long day, time to take some rest...
Foyer at Alam KulKul Boutique Resort Bali

Morning had come (day 7). Had breakfast then went to another adventure day. Our first plan was Bedugul area first then Tanah Lot at last to watch the sunset. But, there was a possibility that there would be a bad traffic jam at Tanah Lot after sunset, so we changed our plan. Instead of went to Bedugul first, we came to Tanah Lot in the morning. Pura Tanah Lot, it was a beautiful and unique Pura I would say. There is a Pura which will be surrounded by water when the high tide, but we can go across to the Pura on low tide. Too bad it was high tide when we came there. But, the view still beautiful though. We could also hang out here because there is a small park on the way to one other Pura. The other Pura, it is located on a high cliff. A good place to spend time with a beautiful view. I heard, the sunset was looked the best from here; a Pura with sunset on the back.

'Three Musketeer' at Tanah Lot
2 Puras: surrounded by water and on a high cliff

After went around Tanah Lot and looking for souvenirs, we went to Bedugul. It was a long ride almost two hours I guessed. We visited Pura Ulun Danu which is located on Beratan Lake (Danau Beratan). Another wonderful view. A Pura on a lake. After that, we went back to the hotel. But before, we came to another vegetarian restaurant - Miracle Vegan Resto - which is located in Sunset Road. The taste was pretty good, service just okay, and the place was pretty cool actually (will write more about this later). 

Sis & Bro with their new hat at Pura Ulun Danu & Beratan Lake
Pura Ulun Danu and Beratan Lake

Then, bought some souvenirs before we went back to the resort. Spent time and hung out at the hotel on our last night in Bali.

Last day in Bali. Went to the airport and waiting at the lounge until time to fly back to Jakarta. Fly back to Jakarta with Air Asia again. And woosshhh...back in Jakarta. 


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