Wednesday, November 23, 2011

QQ Kopitiam - Kelapa Gading Mal

Went to Headman's Office this morning for our e-KTP (electronic ID) for the first time in Indonesia. LOL. 

Interior of QQ Kopitiam - Kelapa Gading Mal

Anyway, after that, spent some time with sister at QQ Kopitiam, Kelapa Gading Mal while waiting for our brother. Since we have already had lunch at home, we only order some snacks: Fried Mantou with Kaya and Toast - Kaya & Butter. For the beverage: Ice Tea Longan and Ice Tea Peach.

Fried Mantou with Kaya

Toast - Kaya & Butter

Ice Tea Peach & Ice Tea Longan

The place is kind of semi-open so I think it would be better if we go there late afternoon 'til evening or if it was cloudy at noon. We chose to sit at second floor. The service was so-so, but the place itself was pretty nice though.

Sista with all the foods

Table 9


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