Wednesday, November 23, 2011

QQ Kopitiam - Kelapa Gading Mal

Went to Headman's Office this morning for our e-KTP (electronic ID) for the first time in Indonesia. LOL. 

Interior of QQ Kopitiam - Kelapa Gading Mal

Anyway, after that, spent some time with sister at QQ Kopitiam, Kelapa Gading Mal while waiting for our brother. Since we have already had lunch at home, we only order some snacks: Fried Mantou with Kaya and Toast - Kaya & Butter. For the beverage: Ice Tea Longan and Ice Tea Peach.

Fried Mantou with Kaya

Toast - Kaya & Butter

Ice Tea Peach & Ice Tea Longan

The place is kind of semi-open so I think it would be better if we go there late afternoon 'til evening or if it was cloudy at noon. We chose to sit at second floor. The service was so-so, but the place itself was pretty nice though.

Sista with all the foods

Table 9


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sushi Time!!!

Vegetarian Sushi

Sushi time :) Mom made sushi today, YUMMY.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cupcake above Macaroons

Yup, like the title name, here it is a cupcake above macaroons. For sis and bro, thank you for the effort! :D
Cupcake above Macaroons


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today Mom made another Spaghetti. The tomato sauce I mean. More yummy this time :) Made from fresh tomatoes, finally Mom. He he he :P

Spaghetti with new tomato sauce


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sister's Birthday

Happy Birthday Sis... Wish you all the best! She got two cakes on her birthday. WOW Sista WOW... He he he. Enjoy your day!

Smile!!! :D

Please easy on the cake Sis... ^^V


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Morning's Breakfast

Jack Fruit Curry

Nope, nothing fancy though. Ha ha ha. Jack Fruit Curry. Wuihh...a bit spicy in the morning.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Spinachy Ham Lasagna

Spinachy Ham Lasagna

Mom made Lasagna today based on sister request. Ha ha ha. Actually, mom had made this one before, but tried to make it again today. Spinachy Ham Lasagna and it was better this time :)


Real Steel (2011)

Real Steel -

Watched Real Steel last night with Dad, Sis, and Bro. We went to Mall of Indonesia (MOI) to watch it at Blitzmegaplex. Anyway, the movie was quite good, decent movie to watch. I think it was pretty cool watching the robots fighting in the arena, no one gets hurt for sure. He he he :D Well, the action kind of helped me forgot things. But, there was a scene that made me instantly remembered of you, one of my favorites and I hope it was with you :) 

When we spend more time with someone, we might be able to learn and know how his/her true heart is. And last, no matter what we do, who we are, and where we from; each of us CAN be SOMEBODY!!! With hard work, courage, and faith; I think everything is possible :)


Friday, November 4, 2011

Kalasan Rice

Kalasan Rice

Based on brother request, mom made Kalasan Rice (Nasi Kalasan) today. Time for Indonesian food today. There are Kalasan Chicken -vegetarian of course-, fried tempeh, fried yellow tofu, and fried green beans. 


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Immigration Office

Finally, my new ID was finished. Once the new ID was on my hand, I went immediately to Immigration Office to process my passport. Got a number then wait until my number was called. Then,'s done. It was pretty simple though to do it our self not like several years ago. The officers was very helpful and friendly, all we need just ask if there is something we do not understand. They will gladly to help us. All documents were prepared, then submitted to them, then we would get a (I do not know what to call it) proof of submission and told us when we should come back to interview, photograph, finger prints, and of course payment. 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Immigration Office then Headman's Office

Went to Immigration Office today to renew passport. Turned out, my ID almost expired, so I had to renew my ID first in order to renew my passport. Arrggghhhh... So, went home immediately then prepared the document to renew my ID. Went to Headman's Office Sunter Jaya (Kantor Lurah Sunter Jaya) to process the ID and took a picture there. Thankfully, my new ID could be done tomorrow. YAY :D


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Grandma - 100 Days

It's been one hundred days since Grandma passed away. All of us gathered together at Mahavira Graha Pusat Temple (Vihara Mahavira Graha Pusat) to pray for Grandma. Time does fly really fast, it felt like it's only yesterday when all of these happened. 
