Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grieving (-__-)


There's birth then there's death... That's the circle of life, right?! 

Seeing grandma in ICU room, unconscious...honestly, I kind of prepared myself for the worst. Don't get me wrong, I want so much for grandma to be alive and healthy, but I also thought if this was the time then let grandma go in peace. And there it is, grandma took the last breathe and left this world, left us. I thought I was prepared for this, but I was completely wrong; it hurts too much! I know it would be hurt, but I have no idea that it would be hurt THAT much! I told myself that I had to be strong that way grandma could go in peace. And I also believe that grandma spirit will always be with us.

It feels like only yesterday I saw you, having chit chat with mom, laughing to dad's joke, making a grumpy face, and hearing your voice. Your laugh always makes others smile, I know I do because you always laugh from your heart and I always find peace in it. I'm gonna miss you so much, granny!

To be honest, there were many many times that I wish you were here...hugged me and told me everything's gonna be okay (>.<) I am really sorry that I haven't had the chance to introduce both of you to each other; that's my biggest regret. And I am really really sorry.

Simply a hug will be good for me to mourn even just for a little while...


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