Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Engagement Party at Tai Pan Restaurant

Yup, like the title, went to an engagement party at Tai Pan Restaurant to accompany my mother because my father was working out of town. It's not really a big party, only for close relatives. We sat at vegetarian food table and to be honest...to my surprise, the food were served in a pretty good display. 

Actually, it was took place last year, October 11, 2010; I was checking some of my old pictures and I found these and I thought it would interesting to show people how vegetarian food can be displayed in an interesting way! :D

I did not take pictures of all the food, only some that I found interesting. :)

Double Boiled Melon Soup with Vegetable
Double Boiled Snow Seeds Served in Whole Coconut
Fresh Fruit Salad with Dragon Fruit


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