Saturday, June 18, 2011

WANT and LOVE?????

You asked me about 'want' and I told you how I felt. When I asked you about 'want', you answered me about 'love'. I will not lie that it made me really really happy to hear that. But, kind of make me curious too; is 'want' and 'love' the same? I think it over and over again, I think it's not really the same, 'love' doesn't always mean 'want'. Look how many couples split up even though they still love each other but just do not want to be together anymore? 

Maybe you just couldn't tell me how you really felt? Maybe you thought 'love' always means 'want'? Maybe you knew that I couldn't really handle the truth? Well, maybe I couldn't; I don't know. So many thoughts and I know you think I am thinking too much.....again!


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