Sunday, May 15, 2011

Home Made Quesadilla

Had an interesting afternoon with sista yesterday. We cooked together, well actually it was my sister idea and I thought it would be fun if I joined her since I like cooking as well. We made quesadilla and she had watched how to make one in youtube (thanks to today's technology...he he he). It is pretty simple and the taste is good also, of course if you quite like Mexican food.:)

We made two kind of quesadilla, one is ham quesadilla and the second one is prawn quesadilla. And by the way, it is a vegetarian food we made, using vegetarian ma

Ham Quesadilla
Prawn Quesadilla
My sister with her 'chef hat' which I think is very creative of her! Lol... Way to go sis! And bro, you should join us next time, do not eat only. He he he... ^^v

Sista with her 'chef hat'

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