Thursday, April 21, 2011

Marche in 5

Marche - Grand Indonesia

Yup, like the's time to talk about food hunting. LOL. There were five of us - my sister (Jenny), my brother (Piter), two friends (Farida and Erida), and me - who went to Marche Restaurant where located at Grand Indonesia. Time for Swiss food :) The taste was pretty good and the atmosphere there was really nice.


Anyway, I took some pictures and there was a time in the middle when we were still looking for food; there was this waiter, all of a sudden called me and told me not to take photograph unless I took the picture of my sis or bro or friends. HEH??? I thought what the...!!! *sigh* Over all, it was pretty good though.

In 5 at Marche
Thanks for the treat guys!!! :)


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