Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cheese Aglio Olio

Cheese Aglio Olio

Mom tried to make Aglio Olio but with cheese this time. So we like to call it Cheese Aglio Olio :) It was good especially for people who love cheese. LOL.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Charity Night Vegetarian Banquet

Just got back from the 'Charity Night Vegetarian Banquet' tonight (or I should say last night since it's already passes midnight). It was held in Nelayan Restaurant, Jakarta. Our temple -Yayasan Dharma Abadi- need to raise some fund to rebuild our temple. Anyway, the event went well. BUT, when we were singing, suddenly I thought of granny. Almost made me lost it :( And now, while I am sitting in the dark and on my bed, I wish you were here! Holding me tight and I know I will feel safe already.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Akeelah and the Bee (2006)

Akeelah and the Bee -

It's been a long time since I watched 'Akeelah and the Bee'. Five years have passed and I did not know what got into me, I just felt in the mood for that movie. Well, it was pretty cool though. From nobody turns into somebody. Hmmm, I believe everybody is 'somebody' to somebody else. Like many people say 'everyone is unique in their own way'. We just need to know what we are good at and be excel at that. Learn hard, practice hard, and not easily give up; but also remember to have fun along the way. It all be good I hope :)

Just remember, when we are at the 'top', do not lose our ground. Remember where we come from and people around us who have helped us get here today. It's about the process, right?

I think, what is cooler was when the young boy did not win the contest...not because he lost but the way he handled it. How he turned it into a winning attitude and style :D Look at the positive side and be supportive still.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Macaroon's Bakerzin at Home

Sister got back from Kelapa Gading Mall and brought home Macaroons from Bakerzin. A pack of 5 macaroons: Foret (Black Forest), Ispahan (Strawberry), Lemon Cheese, Pistachio, and Frambo (Chocolate Raspberry). The lemon cheese, foret, frambo, and pistachio were good; ispahan just okay.

Foret, Ispahan, Lemon Cheese, Pistachio, and Frambo


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

The Devil Wears Prada -

Just finished watching 'The Devil Wears Prada' tonight. Took me five years to finally watch this. LOL. Anyway, the movie was okay though. Despite the fashion industry things, it shows us that glamorous and power might change someone. Just to be accepted by our surrounding, sometimes we might change the way we dress or even our behavior. But, do we happy with the changes? Is that who we really are? Don't pretend to be somebody that we are not!

In the movie there's a saying (I am not sure the exact sentence) but the point is when we became good at work, it might interfere or effect our personal life. Is that true? Should we sacrifice our personal life over work? Well, I'd like to believe that there are always ways to balance both. We just have to find our own way to balance it and make the best out of it. Do not let work interferes with our own personal life -friendship, relationship with our love one, and family- but also try to do the best at work. I think if we can balance them then we are absolutely will be happy. 

And yes, everyone do have a choice. There is possible that we do not know what we truly want at first but do not let that stop us or make us down...let it be our learning experience; take a step back and think, we will see things clearer and better. Hopefully we would know what we want and would be able to make a better choice. 

Pride is not everything...our heart is more important.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Something Borrowed (2011)

Something Borrowed -

Watched 'Something Borrowed' last night. Hmmm...what will we choose, friendship or love? Is there a wrong and right answer to that? ANYWAY, make up our mind and decide! When we hesitate, we will get nothing. Do not cheat or having an affair or go behind our friend's back because it will turn out ugly in the end. Better to come might hurt but at least we are being honest. Once we hurt someone, it will leave mark -a hole, scar, whatever we name it- and the question is will it go back to normal? Especially trust, what will happen when we lost someone's trust? Do we dare to hope that we will get it back?

Everyone do have a choice (or wants)...the rest is up to us whether we are brave enough to ask for it, go for it, and fight for it; at least, do something about it! And when we have the chance or moment, do not ever let it go! Do not let it passes us! Because once it passes us, we might never get it back. Put our pride aside and listen to our heart.

And in here's case...LOVE. When we have found someone we love, do not ignore the feeling. Trust our heart and express it. But, do not over do it. There's a part in this movie and I quote 'My love's not really the overwhelming kind'. And also I want to add from another movie I saw (All About Steve - 2009), I quote (again :D) 'If you love someone, set him free. If you have to stalk him, he probably wasn't yours in the first place'. Do it with our sincerity and I believe it will get to him/her.

Well, at least we tried, right?!!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lego Exhibition - Indonesian Theme

Here is the pictures of the Lego exhibition... Well, since it's Indonesian theme, the colors of course red and white, our flag's color.


Nanny's Pavillon - The Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera

Nanny's Pavillon Barn - The Entrance

After Living World, our next destination was Nanny's Pavillon - a conceptual French American Pancake Restaurant. We had late lunch here. The unique from Nanny's Pavillon is their restaurant have their own theme in each different places. And here in Alam Sutera, which is located inside The Flavor Bliss complex, the Nanny's Pavillon theme is BARN. 

 Exterior Decoration                                                                          Semi Outdoor

It was a great place to hang out. It was clean, the waiter and waitress was very kind, and the food was good as well. 

Sister ordered Chicken Provence Sandwich, brother picked Hubert's Chicken Capers, and Robert's Spaghetti Aglio Olio (vegetarian) for me. And for drink, we chose Nanny's Cocktail Blueberry. 

Robert's Spaghetti Aglio Olio

 Chicken Provence Sandwich                                                                                                              Hubert's Chicken Capers

Nanny's Cocktail Blueberry

Oh by the way, I almost shocked when I saw their toilet and sink but then I remember their theme, so it was kind of cool though. LOL. Before we went to another place, we took some pictures out side the resto.

Sister & Brother at the semi outdoor area of Nanny's Pavillon Barn

Bro, Sis, and Me in front of the Nanny's Pavillon Barn at The Flavor Bliss, Alam Sutera

Well, time to move to the next place. Times. We went to Times on Karawaci, Tangerang. It's a book store. Been there before so we just looking around for a while. Nothing much change to the store except I felt a little bit hot inside the store. While sister and I were waiting for brother because he met his high school friend there, we took a picture using my sister's polaroid. Then I took a picture of my sister. Not long after that, we got warn from the security that we were not allowed to take picture inside the store unless we have a permit. What the...?? Well, I just let it fly because I was not really in the mood and it's not worth it. Anyway, here's the picture of sister and me using the polaroid. 

Re-captured the polaroid picture


Living World - Alam Sutera

Got a bad news yesterday but I cannot just say that from my perspective I know. It's a good news for you but honestly it's kind of a bad news for me. Heard that made me scared and somehow I felt like my stomach was getting punch (not literally of course, but felt like it). 

Inside Living World Mall, near Hero

Anyway, I have promised to go with sister and brother today to hang out around Tangerang area. Not really in the mood actually (I am sorry to say that :( ). But, I thought who know I could get it out of my mind even just for a while.

Sista at Hero's cashier

                                        One of the things that sell at Hero                                                  Snacks (Taro Chips, Amica Chips, Tortilla Chips ,& Couque D'asse - White/Vanilla & Coffee Slim)

Anyway, first destination...we went to Living World Mall, Alam Sutera. We wanted to look for things at Ace Hardware. It's the world's largest Ace Hardware Shop for now. Almost forget, before we went to Ace Hardware, we went to Hero (a grocery store) first. They bought some snacks then we went to Aeris (Taiwan Delights). Sister bought half dozen of muffins. There are choco chips, banana, green tea, taro, longan, and cheese muffin. Nope, we did not eat right away, take away instead. By the way, the taste was okay since I do not really into muffin.

Sis & Bro at Aeris

Bro & Sis - Aeris


                                                     The Package (box) of half dozen                                                                        Cheese, Choco Chips, Green Tea, Banana, Longan, and Taro Muffin

On the way to the Ace Hardware, we saw Lego exhibition. There were some display competitions using Lego with Indonesia theme. More of the pictures later...

Sister & Brother see the Lego Exhibition

Finished looking the display, we went straight to Ace Hardware. We looked for our own things then made the purchase. On the way to the car, we dropped by at Cha Time (Good Tea Good Time) -another franchise from Taiwan- because sister wanted to taste their drink. She chose Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Tea, large, with pearl. It's yummy :D 

                    Sista at Cha Time                                                         Cha Time - Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Tea with Pearl

Cha Time - Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Tea

I thought we could go to the car now, but brother wanted to taste egg tart from Golden Egg Bakery. They bought Portuguese Egg Tart and Traditional Egg Tart. My family likes the Portuguese Egg Tart better.

    At Golden Egg Bakery                                                              Sista & Brother at Golden Egg Bakery

Golden Egg - The Package (Box) half dosen                                                                                  Traditional Egg Tart & Portuguese Egg Tart

And finally, in the car to move to the next destination...
