Sunday, July 31, 2011

Praying at Caitya Bodhi Dharma Loka

Went to temple - Caitya Bodhi Dharma Loka - today to pray grandma. All the sons and daughters were there and almost all the grandsons and granddaughters were there plus some of grandma's siblings and in laws. 

Caitya Bodhi Dharma Loka
I am sure grandma would smile, a big smile as grandma saw us gather together as one big family!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grieving (-__-)


There's birth then there's death... That's the circle of life, right?! 

Seeing grandma in ICU room, unconscious...honestly, I kind of prepared myself for the worst. Don't get me wrong, I want so much for grandma to be alive and healthy, but I also thought if this was the time then let grandma go in peace. And there it is, grandma took the last breathe and left this world, left us. I thought I was prepared for this, but I was completely wrong; it hurts too much! I know it would be hurt, but I have no idea that it would be hurt THAT much! I told myself that I had to be strong that way grandma could go in peace. And I also believe that grandma spirit will always be with us.

It feels like only yesterday I saw you, having chit chat with mom, laughing to dad's joke, making a grumpy face, and hearing your voice. Your laugh always makes others smile, I know I do because you always laugh from your heart and I always find peace in it. I'm gonna miss you so much, granny!

To be honest, there were many many times that I wish you were here...hugged me and told me everything's gonna be okay (>.<) I am really sorry that I haven't had the chance to introduce both of you to each other; that's my biggest regret. And I am really really sorry.

Simply a hug will be good for me to mourn even just for a little while...


Friday, July 29, 2011

Grandma's Relic

Grandma is cremated today. To our surprise, we found a relic in grandma after the cremation. 

Grandma's Relic

Many people believe that it is a good thing and a good sign.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Farewell Grandma

One of the toughest and hardest day of my life, but I would dare to say to all my family! We just lost our grandma today... (-_-) May you rest in peace and we surely will miss you, granny!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Buddisht Exhibition - Relics

There is a Buddhist Exhibition and they show so many Buddha's relics. We (my parents, sister, and me) thought we should go there and see it ourself. It's held in Pluit Village.



Dragons in Action

Actually, there are still many relics but we were not allowed to take pictures on that area so you're gonna have to see it for yourself if you wanted to know :D 

Buddha's Relics


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Home Made Fettuccine

Mom made a fettuccine today. Yay... :D Well, tried to decorate the food for presentation. Nothing too fancy though, just for fun. :)

Sausage Fettuccine the way, it tasted much better than the presentation. LOL. And it was a vegetarian food! 


Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuc with Bell Peppers

Found this snack on Seven Eleven. Never seen it before so thought we should taste it. Turned out it's pretty good and the price was pretty cheap too. Yum yum... :D

Tuc with bell peppers


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunset on The Way

On my way to the airport to pick up my dad, I saw the sky and I thought it's quite cool. So, tried to take some pictures. 


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chocolate Variation

My brother bought these snack or I should said chocolate to be exact because all of them are chocolates for sure. Many different kind of chocolates.

Hershey's Chocolate variations
Hershey's, Carury, Belgian Chocolate

Anyway, I like the peppermint chocolate better. Well, dark chocolate is good too, actually :)


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pizza Marzano then Cake A Wish

After Museum, went to Grand Indonesia. Looking for some things then before we (sister and me) went home, we ate at Pizza Marzano first.

Giardiniera ala Ginovese
Penne Al Pomodoro E Mozzarella
Sista with Spaghetti Marinara

The food was good (there were some vegetarian food so for you who are into vegetable, you could dine in here) and we liked the drink as well. 

Virgin Mojito and Berry Lychee Mocktail

After the Italian food, my sister bought a cup cake from Cake a Wish. 

Cake a Wish - cup cake


Architecture Exhibition - National Museum

Went to National Museum (Museum Nasional / Museum Gajah) to see an Architecture exhibition. It was held from July 6 to July 20, 2011. 

LightArch & Rumah Bambu Swapasan
Ciliwung Recovery Program - presentation
SilverPneu - exterior
SilverPneu - interior


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Turn Anger into.....

"Why would you waste your time being angry with anyone?"

I guess it's very true...not only it consumes our energy, it will become toxic and also in the end we will cause pain to others and to ourself. Maybe the question is how do we transfer the anger into positive act?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 - Design Logo Contest

Just participated (again) in a design logo contest :) This time, it's for an online company who sells books, cds, dvds, and video games; With maple leaf as the symbol from Canada.


Passive House Institute of NZ - Design Logo Contest

Hey...hey...hey... Just uploaded my logo design in a design logo contest. YAYYY!!! I could participate this time. He he he. :D

Anyway, about the's for a non profit institute from Germany to promote eco-housing in New Zealand; Passive House Institute.

Only created 2 alternatives. Green to express the eco theme; the black and red are the traditional NZ colors.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Engagement Party at Tai Pan Restaurant

Yup, like the title, went to an engagement party at Tai Pan Restaurant to accompany my mother because my father was working out of town. It's not really a big party, only for close relatives. We sat at vegetarian food table and to be my surprise, the food were served in a pretty good display. 

Actually, it was took place last year, October 11, 2010; I was checking some of my old pictures and I found these and I thought it would interesting to show people how vegetarian food can be displayed in an interesting way! :D

I did not take pictures of all the food, only some that I found interesting. :)

Double Boiled Melon Soup with Vegetable
Double Boiled Snow Seeds Served in Whole Coconut
Fresh Fruit Salad with Dragon Fruit


Monday, July 11, 2011

Lotus Candle at Tao Temple

Hello again... Just wanted to attach the picture I took when I participated on the Tao Temple last week. Each of us was given a candle - lotus candle - and we lit the candle then sing a song. Everyone was quite serious and the atmosphere was pretty solemn. 

lotus candle


Donate2My - Design Logo Concept

Hi again... I tried to participate in another design logo contest last week but because it's not really a good timing, I couldn't join the contest. In other words, I didn't really have much time to finish it on time, AGAIN!!! *sigh* LOL. Well, the thing is I had to participate in another thing, a religious class actually which took place outside Jakarta for 4 days (July 7 - July 10 2011); so I think it's okay though because it's a good thing. :) 

Okay...I just finished the logo because we have to finish what we started, right?! :D So, here it is another design logo concept from me. I made 2 choices of color but did not know which one is better (-_-)


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thien Se Pan

When you are happy, be happy;
but when you are sad, calm yourself and think it through!

When good things happen around you or in yourself, be grateful and don't be conceited;
because all those are not apart from God's help!

Everyone is equal... Your pure heart is the most important one.

All people gather together and have their own characteristic;
but as long as all of you have the same goal, focus on it then it all will work out.

Good heart, good destiny - all will be good;
Good heart, bad destiny - disaster turns into luck;
Bad heart, good destiny - luck turns into disaster. 


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Me Thinking of You

Morning to you... Still haven't heard from you and I know you are extremely busy right now. I did not have the courage to distract you like I always do so instead of that, I chose to write in here.

I remembered I took these pictures pretty while ago but...since it quite represents how I feel right now so I attached it along.

Still MU!!!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SCLG - Design Logo Concept

Hello...hello...hello... :) I saw a contest yesterday, it's a logo contest for a law firm company - Southern California Legal Group - which I saw it almost at the last minutes, almost reach the deadline time. LOL. Well, just for fun, I tried to create one.

SCLG - design logo concept
Well, I would to consider this as a design logo concept from me :)


Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July - Summer

It's summer there now and coincidentally today is July 4. Happy Fourth of July! Hope you have a great fourth of July. :) Anyway, I just read an article about fireworks that usually celebrate together with fourth of July celebration. Well, I happen to have a 'summer' picture BUT I do not have a fireworks picture. :( But I am sure it will be much beautiful if you see it yourself out there. :D

I took this picture while exploring a new mall, Living World Mall. When I saw this welcoming Summer word, I instantly remembered you and wanted to show you this. Even though it's not the real summer here; but the spirit is still okay, right??? :D


First & Last!

I want you to be the first person I see in the morning!
I want you to be the last person I see in the night!

IMU so much!!!


Friday, July 1, 2011

2 Different Snacks

My sister bought these snacks. One is Indian snack and the other is...well, western snack I guess. LOL. The Indian snack, we can find it in Indonesia; but the western snack, I am not sure, well I haven't found one in here yet.

Haldiram's - Masala Moong Dal - Indian Snack
Nerds - Willy Wonka
