Thursday, June 30, 2011

Misunderstand (AGAIN)...

I was so happy to hear from you earlier today; kind of a relieve as well to be honest. I am so worried and afraid that something might happened to you, thank goodness nothing bad happened. Well, except for me, misunderstand you (AGAIN). I am sorry...


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lose??? NO!!!

Wondering...what have I done? Guess I have said something terrible or done a big mistake until you 'ignore' me like this? I wanted to ask you, to make sure but I am afraid that I might only make things worse. :( Have I somehow lost you now? Please say something...

I don't want to lose you...not now and not ever! (-_-)

IMU & ILU always and forever!


Home Made Casserole

Hello...back again. On our holiday time today, well even though it's only one day holiday, it's still holiday after all, right?! :) Okay, my mom, sis, and me; the three of us cooked something. And this time we made Casserole. Our mom told us how to make it and we sort of made it by our self but mom still help us here and there. We made Classic Casserole using a combination of farfalle and conchiglie rigate, and Ham and Smoked Ham Casserole using macaroni.

Classic Casserole
Ham and Smoked Ham Casserole
Again, it's a vegetarian food with no onion and no garlic. :)


Tissue & Placemat


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Between Rasuna Epicentrum - Setiabudi One

The next exploration day! :) Today we (sister and me, again!) went to Rasuna Epicentrum and Setiabudi One where both of them are located in Kuningan, Jakarta. 

The first stop was Rasuna Epicentrum. It is a super block so the area is really big for Jakarta. We went to Epicentrum Walk. Anyway, we went around; too bad it was not fully finished yet.

Epicentrum Walk
The pedestrian
Rasuna Epicentrum - mock up

Since it was an exploration, so before we moved to the next place, we went in to Ikuze. Japanese Food Bazaar. Well, it's not really a bazaar, just the concept of the restaurant I think. We've already had lunch at home, so we only ordered dessert. 

Fruit Cocktail
Ikuze Olay Punch

The place is pretty nice. But the crepes was really good. Yummy! :)

Ikuze - interior
Strawberry Cream Cheese
Dharaka Delight
Okay then, moved to the next destination. Setiabudi One! Even though it's been there for really long time, that was the first time we went there. 

As usual, we went around even though it's not really much to go round. LOL. But, I really just realized that there is a cinema at there. Well, we finally decided to eat at Wayo-men Pasta & Cafe. Thankfully there is a vegetarian food, well we had checked it from the menu before we chose that. :D 

Ice lemon tea - for free :D
Kinoko Mori Mori (vegetarian)
Soup Pasta Set menu
The food was good and we have ice lemon tea for free because we ordered it on happy hour. Lucky for us! Ha ha ha. 

After having dinner, we went home and it was almost 7-ish if I'm not mistaken. On the way to car, we realized that most of the people who went there was working people; well that make sense because this mall is located within offices.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Brain Works

Hi... I got this on a chain mail that came to my inbox. I think it is pretty cool and I wanted to share it. It is called how the brain works. It is pretty much show how many things we think at the same time. Imagine the blue balls are the things; the memories, the problem and the solving, the plans, and many more...

Why Women Cant Sleep Easily
Brain works


Between Living World - Gandaria City

Hey again... Today my sister and I are going to explore the new places. The first one will be Living World where is located in Alam Sutera, Serpong, Tangerang; kind of outside Jakarta, a bit far but not too far. Then after that, we will go to Gandaria City where is located in South Jakarta. Both of them are pretty new mall but we haven't had the chance to go there so we thought today will be the time. :)

Arrived at Living World, we went around the mall and there are a lot of cafes and restaurants. So, if we wanted to go for a food hunting this will be a good place with a good atmosphere and interior design. 

Living World interior

We went in to Golden Egg Bakery and tasted the Portuguese Egg Tart. 

Golden Egg Bakery
Portuguese Egg Tart
Went around for a little bit then up to the roof top. The view is pretty cool with open area concept and quite a lot of trees which is cool. 

Then before we moved to next place, we ate at Roppan. Another new food adventure. :)
Roppan interior
Table 19
Sosizu, Ice Green Tea, & Say Cheese
After that, we moved to Gandaria City. Kind of like Living World; I mean in here, there are a lot of cafes and restaurants as well with good atmosphere and design.

We went around as well to see the interior of the mall and the tenant and the retail. Finally, we decided to have dinner at Basilico. The interior is good, the food was delicious, and the service was good as well. 

Summer Crush & Santa's Elves
Spaghetti Aglio Olio & Margherita


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Eat at Eaton

Hmmm...the title is pretty tricky I think. LOL. Anyway, went to Eaton with sister to eat. Well, not only ate we have a little chit chat after that. Talking about anything, but mostly about business I if I'm not mistaken. Ha ha ha.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

WANT and LOVE?????

You asked me about 'want' and I told you how I felt. When I asked you about 'want', you answered me about 'love'. I will not lie that it made me really really happy to hear that. But, kind of make me curious too; is 'want' and 'love' the same? I think it over and over again, I think it's not really the same, 'love' doesn't always mean 'want'. Look how many couples split up even though they still love each other but just do not want to be together anymore? 

Maybe you just couldn't tell me how you really felt? Maybe you thought 'love' always means 'want'? Maybe you knew that I couldn't really handle the truth? Well, maybe I couldn't; I don't know. So many thoughts and I know you think I am thinking too much.....again!


Ice Cream Time!

Spending time with my father three days ago. We went to buy durian then went to Kelapa Gading Mall to buy ice cream. Baskin Robbins. cream time! LOL. Anyway, there was a promo, 50% for hand packed so we bought some; 1 litter and 2.5 litter.

Citrus - Mint Choco - Very Berry Strawberry


Friday, June 17, 2011

Mock-up - Alam Sutera & BSD

Went to Alam Sutera and BSD (Bumi Serpond Damai) with family to see some property last Sunday. We went to one of the marketing office and there were so many mock-ups. I only took some picture from the mock-ups which I thought it was interesting, the building I mean. 


Buddhist Temple - Dharma Cakka

Dharma Cakka - still has so many trees

Went to Dharma Cakka yesterday (June 16, 2011) to pray and it was 'Cap Go' (based on Chinese calender/Lunar calender). There was a lunar eclipse on the midnight and the news said that it would be the longest lunar eclipse since July 2000; too bad I didn't see it.

Anyway, I took some picture while I was at the Temple, it is a Buddhist Temple by the way. And there are still many trees around which makes the air is pretty cool out there. 



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Vow (2012)

The Vow -
Hi again... Today I want to talk about a movie, well I have not seen it because it is not in the cinema yet. The movie is The Vow. Based on IMDb, it will be shown in USA in February 2012; yup 2012, still pretty long waiting. *sigh* Actually, I know this movie from my sister. She told me to see the trailer and she said it is a romantic drama movie. So, later that night; I think last night or maybe the night before yesterday; anyway, it's not really important though. So, I saw the trailer and it was pretty touching. Ooopppssss. LOL. Well, it was...

Anyway, after saw the trailer; kind of made me thought what if I was in their shoes? What if I was the one who forgot my love one? What if I was the one who was forgotten by my love one? Hmmm...and that led me to another thought, what if he/she could not remember me BUT what he/she could remember is his/her first love? What will I do then? What will you do???

Hope everyone has a happy ending story in their life.....


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Home Made Croquette

Another cooking time. This time we (my mom and me) made Indonesian food, croquette. It's not too hard but not too easy either, I think. But the wrapping part needs a bit patient for me. LOL. Anyway, we made three kind of taste: Ham and Egg Croquette, Mushroom Croquette, and Vegetable Croquette. 

Ham and Egg Croquette
Mushroom Croquette
Vegetable Croquette

By the way, it is still a vegetarian food. :)
