Saturday, May 28, 2011

Home Made Pizza

Cooking Time!!! :) Now my mother and me, we made Pizza and of course it was all vegetarian Pizza. We made two kind of topping: Seafood Pizza and Ham Mushroom Pizza.

Ham Mushroom Pizza
Seafood Pizza


Monday, May 16, 2011

Afternoon-Evening Walk at Ancol

Sunset behind the trees

Hi again... Went out with family to Ancol yesterday. My sister's friend came along too to join us for an afternoon-evening walk. Actually, this walk was inspired by my mother which we all think was pretty strange since our mother doesn't like to walk too much. Ha ha ha. Anyway, we had a good walk and quite enjoyed the view as the sun went down. 

Took some pictures and the first one caught my attention...imagine this view from our windows; whether it's from our living room or bedroom or dining area or even from our pantry; isn't that cool? Well, at least I think so. :)

View from a bridge
Le Bridge

Okay, on our way to the car to go to a Mall and it was 6ish that time, I took a picture of the moon.



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Home Made Quesadilla

Had an interesting afternoon with sista yesterday. We cooked together, well actually it was my sister idea and I thought it would be fun if I joined her since I like cooking as well. We made quesadilla and she had watched how to make one in youtube (thanks to today's technology...he he he). It is pretty simple and the taste is good also, of course if you quite like Mexican food.:)

We made two kind of quesadilla, one is ham quesadilla and the second one is prawn quesadilla. And by the way, it is a vegetarian food we made, using vegetarian ma

Ham Quesadilla
Prawn Quesadilla
My sister with her 'chef hat' which I think is very creative of her! Lol... Way to go sis! And bro, you should join us next time, do not eat only. He he he... ^^v

Sista with her 'chef hat'

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fish&co. Time!

 Hi... Went out with sister and brother last week to EX. Fish&co. TIME!! The place it quite nice if you are into open area resto. And it is very casual so you don't need to really dress up to go here. The service is good and the food (based on my sis and bro) is good as well. I only had a drink because I had already had dinner at home. Anyway, I ordered a drink, Mermaid Freeze and it was served in a very big glass. I guess 2-3 times bigger than normal. Ha ha ha... Actually, the waiter (I forgot his name) had told me that it is 1 liter drink, but my first thought was it's okay, I didn't eat anything so 1 liter would be just fine. Turned out, I was really full with water that night, almost couldn't move. LOL. 

The identity trencher

Pineapple Juice, Mermaid Freeze, Pink Passion. And the winner is....MF! Ha ha ha

